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As part of the first teamGM Cares volunteer week from Sept.10-15 the GM Corvette plant agreed to participate in the building of Bowling Green’s first ever mountain bike trail. The trail is part of the Bowling Green Riverfront Project.
On Thursday 9-13-2012 GM Corvette employees Luke Enslow, Brendan Sheehan, Don Yarano, Jason Trombly, John Johnson and GM retiree Randy Saunders were busy working hard to help improve the local community. The focus was on a section of the Low Hollow Mountain Bike Trail. The trail will be approximately three miles of …
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What: The Bowling Green Chapter of KyMBA will be hosting our Fall Trip at the Tsali and Dupont trail systems. Backup locations depending on weather are Brown County and Oak Mountain.
When: Oct. 12-14th, Friday-Sunday. If you can leave Thursday (11th) evening all the better.
Where:  We will riding the Tsali / Dupont trail systems. Sleeping accommodations are TBA.
Who:Â We recommend anyone attending should have at least intermediate mountain biking skills. Please take that into consideration. This is probably not the best time to take a newbie out on the trails.
RSVP: Chip Winger at