Articles in the Featured Category
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Most mountain bikers understand that riding trails during wet and muddy conditions is considered poor trail etiquette. It causes rutting, accelerates erosion and other forms of trail degradation. However, many of these same users don’t understand that trails are at even greater risk during the freeze-thaw process.
What is the freeze-thaw process?
When soil freezes the moisture turns to ice crystals between the particles of the soil. In clay or loamy soil that’s tightly packed together, the moisture freezes and the crystals expand and rip the clay apart. As the soil thaws …
Advocacy, Events, Featured »
We are pleased to announce that Bowling Green KyMBA has been awarded a grant to host the IMBA Trail Care Crew from July 14th to July 17th at Nolin Lake State Park! This expert team of trail builders will join the Bowling Green Kentucky Mountain Bike Association (KyMBA) to teach sustainable trail building at Brier Creek Recreation Area of Nolin Lake. The Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew will be at Nolin Lake to talk trails, teach people proper trail building technique and spend quality time digging in the dirt. The visit …
Featured, Trail Work Reports »
Kentucky Mountain Bike Association volunteers Nick Leonard and Dave Booher, use field hoes to chop the edge of a newly cut multi-use trail Saturday at Ben Hawes Park. About a dozen local volunteers, who took instruction from professional trail builder Alex Stewart, founder of Spectrum Trail Designs, smoothed and cleared more than a thousand feet of trail during the first Trail Day of the year.